A Brave General
Look at the picture:

Table of Contents
Work in pairs
Say what you see in the picture. Tell your friend what you know about Lachit Borphukan.
There is a general and some soldiers with different types of arms in the picture. They are going to a battlefield to fight their enemies. (দেয়াৰ ইজ এ জেনাৰেল এন্ড চাম চ’লজাৰ্চ উইথ ডিফাৰেন্ট টাইপচ অৱ আমচ ইন দা পিকচাৰ। দে আৰ গ’য়িং টু এ বেটেলফিল্ড টু ফাইট দেয়াৰ এনিমিজ)—ছবিখনত এজন সেনাপতি আৰু কেইজনমান সৈনিক বেলেগ বেলেগ অস্ত্ৰেৰে সজ্জিত হৈ আছে। তেওঁলোক শত্রুৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজ দিবলৈ যুদ্ধক্ষেত্ৰত গৈ আছে।
Lachit Borphukan was a brave general of king Chakra Dhwaj Singh in the Ahom Kingdom. He had self-respect. The king appointed him as a general to fight against the Mogul emperor. He also presented him a beautiful sword. (লাচিত বৰফুকন ওৱাজ এ ব্ৰেভ জেনাৰেল অফ কিং চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহ ইন দা অহ’ম কিংডম। হি হেড চেল্ফ-ৰেচপেক্ট। দা কিং এপয়ন্টেড হিম এজ, জেনাৰেল টু ফাইট এগেইনষ্ট দা মুঘল এম্পাৰাৰ। হি অলচ’ প্রেজেন্টেড হিম এ বিউতিফুল চ’ৰ্ড)—লাচিত বৰফুকন আছিল তৎকালীন সময়ৰ অহম ৰজা চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহৰ এজন সাহসী সেনাপতি বা সেনাধ্যক্ষ। ৰজা মোগল সম্রাটৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজ দিবলৈ তেওঁক সেনাপতি হিচাপে নিয়োগ কৰিছিল। তেওঁ (চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহ) তেওঁক এটা ধুনীয়া তৰোৱাল উপহাৰ হিচাপে দিছিল।
Let’s read the story ‘A Brave General’
Paragraph -1
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
In the days of king Chakradhwaj Singha, the western part of his kingdom was under the Moguls.
The king had to pay huge sums of money to the Mogul emperor.
He decided to fight the Moguls and recover the lost part of his kingdom.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) : days (ডেজ)—দিনবোৰ। king (কিং)—ৰজা। western-part (ওৱেচটার্ন পার্ট)–পশ্চিমঅংশ। kingdom (কিংডম)– ৰাজত্ব/ৰাজ্য। under ( আন্ডাৰ) – অধীনত। moguls ( মুঘলচ) – মোগল শাসকসকল। pay (পে)—দিয়া। had to pay (হেড টু পে)—দিব লগা হৈছিল। huge (হিউজ)—বিশাল, বহুতখিনি। sums of money ( চামচ অৱ মানি)—বহুত পৰিমাণৰ অৰ্থ সমষ্টি। emperor (এম্পাৰৰ)—সম্রাট। decided (ডিচাইদেড)—থিৰ কৰিছিল। fight (ফাইট)—যুঁজ দিয়া/যুদ্ধ কৰা। recover (ৰিকভাৰ) – পুনৰুদ্ধাৰ কৰা। lost (লচট্) — হেৰোৱা। lost part (লচট্ পার্ট)–হেৰোৱা অংশ।
Paragraph –2
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
The king needed a brave general to fight the Moguls.
He selected Lachit as the Borphukan or the general.
But before sending him to the battlefield, the king wanted to test him.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) : needed (নিদেড)— দৰকাৰ হোৱা, প্রয়োজন হোৱা। brave (ব্ৰেভ)—সাহসী, নির্ভীক। general (জেনাৰেল)—সেনাপতি, সেনাধ্যক্ষ selected (চিলেক্টেড)—নির্বাচন কৰিছিল। before (বিফ’ৰ) —আগতে। sending (চেল্ডিং)— পঠোৱা। battlefield (বেটেলফিল্ড) —যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র । wanted (ওৱান্টেড)—বিচাৰিছিল। test (টেচট্)—পৰীক্ষা কৰা।
Paragraph –3
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
The king called Lachit to his chamber.
Lachit knelt down before the king.
At that moment an attendant rushed into the royal chamber and took off Lachit’s turban.
This was a great insult to Lachit. (
He became very angry with the attendant.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) : called (কলড) – মাতিলে। chamber (চেম্বাৰ)—কক্ষ। knelt (নেল্ট)–জানুশিৰ (আঠুকাঢ়ি বহা)। before (বিফৰ) —আগতে, সন্মুখে। moment ( ম’মেন্ট)– মুহূর্ত। attendant (এটেনডেন্ট)– পৰিচাৰক। rushed (ৰাছড)—দৌৰি গ’ল। royal (ৰয়েল) – ৰাজকীয়। took off (টুক অৱ)—তুলি ল’লে। turban (টাৰবান)—পাগুৰি। great (গ্রেট)— ভীষণ, সাংঘাটিক। insult (ইনচাল্ট)—অপমান। became (বিকেম)–হ’ল। angry (এংগ্রি)—ক্রুদ্ধ।
Paragraph –4
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
The man ran to the king’s throne and stood behind it.
Lachit ran towards him in great anger.
But the king stopped Lachit and told him that the attendant was only carrying out his order.
He also told Lachit that he wanted to test if Lachit was brave and had self-respect.
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) : man (মেন)—মানুহ, লোক। ran (ৰেন) দৌৰি গ’ল। king’s (কিংচ)—ৰজাৰ। throne (থ্র’ন)—ৰাজ সিংহাসন। stood (ষ্টুড)—থিয় হ’ল। behind (বিহাইন্ড) – পিছফালে। towards (টুওৱাৰ্ডচ)— ফালে, দিশত। great (গ্রেট)—ভীষণ/সাংঘাটিক। angry (এংগ্রি)—–ক্রুদ্ধ। stopped (ষ্টপড)—বন্ধ কৰা, গতিৰোধ কৰা। only (অনলি)- মাথোন। carry (কেৰি)–পালন কৰা। carried (কেৰিড)—পালন কৰিছিল। order (অৰ্ডাৰ)— আদেশ। wanted (ওৱান্টেড)—বিচাৰিছিল। test (টেচট্)—পৰীক্ষা। brave (ব্রেভ)—সাহসী, নির্ভীক। self respect (চেল্ফ ৰেচপেক্ট)—আত্মসম্মানবোধ।
Paragraph –5
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Then the king appointed Lachit as the Borphukan.
He also presented Lachit with a beautiful sword.
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) : appointed (এপইন্টেড)—নিয়োগ কৰিলে। borphukan (বৰফুকন)—সেনাপতি। presented (প্রেজেনতেদ)—উপহাৰ হিচাপে দিছিল। beautiful (বিউতিফুল)—সুন্দৰ ধুনীয়া । sword (চ’ৰ্ড) —তৰোৱাল।
Let’s learn these new words.
.: knelt : to be in a position where the body is supported on the knees. —এটা অৱস্থান য’ত শৰীৰৰ ভৰখিনি আঠুৰ ওপৰত থাকে।
turban (টাৰবান)—পাগুৰি : a long piece of cloth worn tightly Around the head. (এ লং পিচ অৱ ক্ল’দ ওৰ্ন টাইটলি এৰাউণ্ড দা হেড)—মূখৰ চাৰিওপিনে টানকৈ বন্ধা দীঘল কাপোৰ-পাগুৰি।
chamber (চেম্বাৰ) কক্ষ : a hall that is used for formal meetings. (এ হল দেট ইজ্ ইউজড ফৰ ফমেল মিটিংচ)—এটা ঘৰ য’ত সাধাৰণ সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
sword (চ’ৰ্ড)–তৰোৱাল : a weapon with a long metal blade and a handle. (এ ওৱেপেন উইথ এ লং মেটাল ব্লেড এন্ড এ হেন্ডেল)–এখন হাতোৰাৰে সৈতে দীঘল ধাতৱ পাতেৰে বনোৱা অস্ত্র-তৰোৱাল।
1. Read the sentences and write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
(a) Chakradhwaj Singha was a brave general.
Ans. ‘No.
(b) The king had to pay huge sums of money to the Mogul emperor.
Ans. ‘Yes.
(c) Chakradhwaj Singha wanted to fight the Moguls.
Ans. ‘Yes.
(d) Chakradhwaj Singha appointed Lachit as the Borphukan.
Ans. ‘Yes.
2. Read the text and see how much you have understood
(a) What is the name of the king in the story?
Ans. The name of the king in the story is Chakradhwaj Singha.
(b) What did Chakradhwaj Singha decide to do?
Ans. : Chakradhwaj Singha decided to fight against the Mogul emperor.
(c) Give the name of the person who was selected to become the general.
Ans. The name of the person who was selected to become the general was Lachit.
(d) What did the attendant do that made Lachit so angry ?
Ans.: The attendant took off the turban from Lachits head.
(e) What did the king want to test in Lachit?
Ans. The king wanted to test if Lachit was brave and had self respect or not.
3. Pick out words from the box and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences given below.
fight (ফাইট)— যুদ্ধ, যুঁজ brave (ব্রেভ)—সাহসী, নিৰ্ভীক sword (চ’র্ড)—তৰোৱাল test (টেচট)—পৰীক্ষাwestern (ওৱেচটার্ন)–পশ্চিম অংশ। |
Ans. :
(a) The western part of the kingdom was under the Moguls.
(b) The king wanted to fight the Moguls.
(c) The king needed a brave general,
(d) The king wanted to test Lachit
(e) The king presented a sword to Lachit.
4. Rearrange the words to make sentences.
(a) the king huge sums of money to pay had
Ans. The king had to pay huge sums of money.
(b) king presented the Lachit sword with a
Ans.: The king presented Lachit with a sword.
(c) the king Lachit called chamber to his
Ans. The king called Lachit to his chamber.
(d) chamber rushed into an attendant the royal
Ans: An attendant rushed into the royal chamber.
(e) the a brave general needed king
Ans.: The king needed a brave general.
Now, rearrange the sentences in the correct order according to the story
1. The king had to pay huge sums of money.
2. The king needed a brave general.
3. The king called Lachit to his chamber.
4. An attendant rushed into the royal chamber.
5. The king presented Lachit with a sword.
5. Read aloud the two sentences.
Ans.: Chakradhwaj Singha was brave.
He was a brave king.
Notice where the describing word ‘brave’ is placed. In the first sentence, it is placed after ‘was’. In the second sentence it is placed before the naming word. Many describing words can be placed in both these places.
5. (b) Read the sentence about Lachit Borphukan.
Lachit Borphukan was brave.
Now, write another sentence about him using the word ‘brave’.
Ans.: Lachit Borpkukan was brave enough to fight with mughal emperor.
6. Mita wants to climb a tree. But she is afraid. Look at the pictures below. They show how Mita is learning to climb a tree.
Now, choose the correct sentence from the box below and write under each picture.
i) Her father is showing her how to climb the tree.ii) Mita has bravely climbed the tree.iii) Mita is trying to climb a tree.iv) But she is afraid to climb it. |
7. Look at the pair of words and fill in the blanks.
need | needed |
select | selected |
appoint | appointed |
want | wanted |
rush | rushed |
present | presented |
8. Read aloud the pairs of words.
come | came |
tell | told |
take | took |
know | knew |
see | saw |
Now, make sentences using words from any two pairs.
come: I come to school everyday.
came: He came from Delhi yesterday.
Know: I know how to ride a bycycle.
knew: He knew that he was going to win the game.
9. Let’s read what Mita’s brother Ritul does every day. and what he did yesterday.
(Everyday) | Yesterday |
I walk to school . | I walked to school |
I play football | I played football |
I cook food | I cooked food. |
I do Yoga | I did Yoga. |
10. Write three sentences about what you do every day and three sentences about what you did yesterday or last Sunday.
Everyday | Yesterday or last Sunday |
I woke up early in the morning. | I exercised. |
I brush my teeth everyday. | I visited the zoo with my parents. |
I finished my homework before sleeping. | I played football with my friends. |
11. Mita and Ritul like to listen to stories. Their grandfather is telling them the story The King and the Spider’. Let’s listen to the story The King and the Spider .
Paragraph 1
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) : Once upon a time (ওৱাঞ্চ আপন এ টাইম)—এসময়ত। brave (ব্রেভ)—সাহসী, নিৰ্ভীক। king (কিং)–ৰজা। won (ঔন)–জিকিছিল, জয় কৰিছিল। many (মেনি) – বহুখিনি | battle (বেটেল)–যুদ্ধ। country (কানট্ৰি)–দেশ। once (ওৱাঞ্চ) -এবাৰ। lost (লষ্ট)— হেৰোৱাইছিল। very (ভেৰি)—খুবেই, বহুত। sad (চেড)—দুখিত। ran away (ৰেন এৱে)–দৌৰি পলাই গৈছিল। battlefield (বেটেল ফিল্ড)—যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র। went (ওৱেন্ট)– গুচি গৈছিল। forest ( ফৰেষ্ট)–হাবি, বননি/জংগল। lived (লিভ) — বসবাস কৰিছিল। cave (কেভ)–গুহা।
Once upon a time there was a brave king. He won many battles for his country. Once he lost a battle. He was very sad and ran away from the battlefield. He went to the forest and lived in a cave.
Paragraph 2
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) : one day (ওৱান ডে) —এদিনা। saw (চ’) — দেখিছিল। spider (স্পাইডাৰ) – মকৰা। trying (ট্রাইং)–চেষ্টা কৰিছিল। spin (স্পিন)—বোৱা। cobweb (কোবওৱেব)— মকৰাৰ জাল। tried (ট্রায়েড)—চেষ্টা কৰিছিল। hard ( হার্ড)-কঠোৰ। each time ( ইচ টাইম)—প্ৰতিবাৰ। climbed (ক্লাইম্বড্)—বাগৰি উঠিছিল। higher (হাইয়াৰ) —আৰু ওপৰত। fell down (ফেল ডাউন)— তলত পৰিছিল। all of a sudden (অল অৱ এ চাডেন)—হঠাতেই। completed (কমপ্লিটেড)—শেষ হ’ল, সম্পূর্ণ কৰিল। web (ওয়েব)—জাল।understood (আন্ডাৰষ্টুড)—বুজিলে। again (এগেইন)—পুনৰায়, আকৌ। get back (গেট বেক)—ঘূৰি পোৱা। kingdom (কিংডম)-ৰাজ্য।
One day he saw a spider trying to spinacobweb . The spider tried hard because each time he climbed higher he fell down. All of a sudden the king saw that the spider completed the web. The king understood that if he tried again he would get back his kingdom once again.
12. Listen and draw:
A spider is spinning a cobweb inside a cave
Ans. Draw yourself.
13. Let’s make new words by joining two words from the clouds. You will find these words in the story of The King and the Spider’. One is done for you.
battle cob dom field king web |
cob + web = cobweb.
battle + field = battlefield.
king + dom = kingdom.
14. Match the insects with their homes. One is done for you.
15. Pair work : Let’s play with these cards.
Choose a card from Set-A and ask your friend to take a card from Set-B. Now, ask each other the questions written on the cards and answer.
1. What do spiders spin?
Ans.: Spiders spin cobwebs.
2. Where do bees live?
Ans: Bees live in beehives.
3. Who lives in a den ?
Ans.: The lion lives in a den.
1. What do ants build?
Ans.: Ants build holes in land for living.
2. Where do you live?
Ans.: I live in our home.
3. Where do birds lay eggs?
Ans. Birds lay eggs in their nest.
16. Read these words in the turtle shell.
Ans. Where
17. We can use these ‘wh’ words to ask questions. Let us use these words and frame questions to know how much we have understood the story “The King and the Spider’.
Ans: 1. Where did the king go?
Ans 2. What did the spider do?
Ans: 3 How did the spider try to weave the web?
Ans : 4 Why did the king run away ?
Ans : 5. When did the king go to a deep forest ?
Think and say: What do we put at the end when we write a question?
Ans: We put a question mark at the end of a sentence when we write a question.
18. (a) Sing and enjoy this rhyme.
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) :
work (ওৱাৰ্ক)—কাম কৰা। while (হ’ৱাইল)—যেতিয়া। play (প্লে)—খেলা। way (ওৱে)—পথ/বাট। happy (হেপি) — সুখী। each day (ইচ ডে)—নিতৌ, প্রতিদিন। do (ডু)– কৰা । with (উইথ)–সৈতে।might (মাইট)—ক্ষমতা, শক্তি । things (থিংচ) – বস্তুবোৰ কামবোৰ। halves (হাভছ) – আধা | never (নেভাৰ) – কেতিয়াও নহয়। right (ৰাইট)–সঠিক।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Work while you work
Work while you work,
Play while you play.
This is the way
To be happy each day.
All that you do
Do with your might:
Things done by halves,
Are never done right.
18. (b) Find the rhyming words in the poem and write them. ।
Ans: Play, Way, Day.
Migt, Right.